Prometheus gives fire to Man

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Prof. D. S. Schechter

Prof. D. S. Schechter, Development Professor in Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University.

Prof. Sam Noynaert

Prof. Sam Noynaert, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University.

MSc Students on Hephaestus Lab 2013-2014

Dr. J. W. Nolan, Head of Centre for In-Situ Studies.

Mr. N. Kontinakis - Dr. N. Vagiokas
  • Mr. N. Kontinakis, Oil Trading Expert, EPTA SA.
  • Dr. N. Vagiokas, Managing Director, Enalos Ltd.

Prof. T. A. Blasingame

Prof. T. A. Blasingame, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University.

MSc Students on Kavala Oil Platform

MSc excursion to Kavala Oil


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MSc Petrotech on national broadcast network
MSc in ANT1 TV